
Just for Fun Friday--Wedding Edition!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Why is it so fun to get dressed up? I really wish I had an excuse every week to put on a pretty dress. My writer's group decided to all dress up in wedding gowns and that was the inspiration behind this post. I thought if I was going to wear the white dress, I might as well do wedding hair and makeup! 

I love braids with loose curls, and these ringlets are really easy. You can find out how to do them here

It was kind of fun. I explained the look a little more in the video below. think of my next excuse to dress up...

Five Steps to a Happier Day!

Friday, January 16, 2015

With cold weather and short days, winter can get you down. BUT there are some simple solutions! Here are five tips to help conquer those winter blues to have a happier, healthier day!

Eat fruits high in vitamin C. Fruits like oranges, pineapples, and blackberries are high in vitamin C, which is known to be mood-elevating! Not only are they delicious, they'll make you feel better too. Pass the pineapple!

Have a dance party in the kitchen. I know, it sounds crazy. You have a pile of dishes, laundry, or some other chore that's screaming for your attention. My advice? Turn up your favorite tunes. This always helps me get through my to-do list. I turn on my favorite Spotify station and feel a jolt of energy. Yesterday I literally started singing and full on dancing to Katy Perry while cleaning the kitchen. Not only did my baby get a kick out of crazy, dancing mommy, but I had FUN cleaning. Also, it was my exercise for the day!

Speaking of exercise? Do it! Exercise releases dopamine in your brain, which makes you happy. It also makes you less stressed and more confident. So whether its riding your bike, running, or dancing around the kitchen, leave some room for exercise!

Consider taking vitamin D. The sunshine vitamin can be hard to come by in winter! Look into taking vitamin D to fill in the void during these cold months and help beat winter blues.

Reward yourself after work. January is the time for new resolutions. It seems like everyone I know is either on a strict diet, overloaded at work, or just working hard to accomplish goals. Working towards goals is wonderful! That's why I think it's okay to reward yourself after a hard day. Whether it's some quiet time in the bath, a girl's night out, enjoying your favorite show or book, or even dessert at the end of the day, reward yourself. You work hard and you deserve it!

Those are a few of the ideas that kick my winter blues to the curb. Try them out and let me know what you think!

Happy New Year Darlings!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

What a year! Isn't it crazy to look over the past twelve months? Though some days might feel insignificant, all together the ups and downs of everyday life make for an amazing year in review. I decided to share some of my favorite memories from 2014.

The husband and I were thrilled to find out we would be having our first baby.

And after endless guesses, we found out it was going to be a girl! 

A little later in the year, I was so excited and absolutely honored to be a part of UVU's Alumni magazine.

Then the pugs and I celebrated birthday month in March--like party animals.


Then came third trimester in late spring.

Then in May I released the final book in my Shapeshifter trilogy, The Secret of Darkwood Castle. I was overwhelmed by your support! 

In early June I celebrated my five year anniversary with the love of my life. 

Then.........Our sweet baby girl came in late June! 

Our lives became completely centered around our little girl, and were were so excited to bless her in September.

A little later in fall we went on our first family trip to Florida (traveling with a baby was a whole different experience).

In the past couple of months, we watched this blue-eyed babe grow up WAY too fast before our eyes. 

So much happened in 2014 to our little family and I can't what to see what new adventures 2015 has in store. I hope you had a wonderful year and wish you much happiness and success in this new year!